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Matrix Calculator
Perform advanced matrix operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, inverse, determinant, transpose, adjoint, rank, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
Matrix Operations
The following matrix operations are supported:
- Addition (A + B): Adds corresponding elements of matrices A and B.
- Subtraction (A - B): Subtracts corresponding elements of matrix B from matrix A.
- Multiplication (A × B): Multiplies matrices A and B using the dot product rule.
- Inverse (A⁻¹): Computes the inverse of matrix A.
- Determinant (det(A)): Computes the determinant of matrix A.
- Transpose (Aᵀ): Computes the transpose of matrix A.
- Adjoint (adj(A)): Computes the adjoint of matrix A.
- Rank: Computes the rank of matrix A.
- Eigenvalues: Computes the eigenvalues of matrix A.
- Eigenvectors: Computes the eigenvectors of matrix A.
How to Use the Matrix Calculator
- Select the desired operation.
- Enter the values for Matrix A (and Matrix B if required).
- Click Calculate to see the result.