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Convert Acres to Square Kilometers

Convert Acres(acre) to Square Kilometers(km²) or vice versa.

0 km²

What is Acre to Square Kilometer Conversion?

An acre (ac) to square kilometer (km²) conversion involves converting between the imperial/U.S. customary unit of acre and the metric unit of square kilometer for measuring area. This conversion is useful when dealing with large land areas or when comparing land sizes across different measurement systems.

Acre to Square Kilometer Formula

Square Kilometer = Acre × 0.00404686

Example: 1ac × 0.00404686 = 0.00404686km²

1 acre = 0.00404686 square kilometers. This conversion factor is helpful when working with large-scale land areas, such as in geography, cartography, or land management.

Why use this conversion?

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS): For integrating and analyzing land data from various sources and measurement systems
  • Land Use Planning and Zoning: When working with large land areas and comparing land use patterns across different regions or countries
  • Environmental Conservation: For assessing and managing large tracts of land for conservation purposes, such as national parks or wildlife reserves
  • International Land Transactions: When evaluating or comparing large land holdings across countries that use different measurement systems
AcreSquare Kilometer
0.01 Acre0.00 Square Kilometer
0.1 Acre0.00 Square Kilometer
1 Acre0.00 Square Kilometer
2 Acre0.01 Square Kilometer
3 Acre0.01 Square Kilometer
5 Acre0.02 Square Kilometer
10 Acre0.04 Square Kilometer
20 Acre0.08 Square Kilometer
50 Acre0.20 Square Kilometer
100 Acre0.40 Square Kilometer
1000 Acre4.05 Square Kilometer
10000 Acre40.47 Square Kilometer
100000 Acre404.69 Square Kilometer